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Archive for July, 2003


Posted by jackie blue on July 30th, 2003

My stash is getting out of control. Most of it is cheap stuff I got from Smiley’s hotel sale and who knows when I’ll use. I’m a yarn snob most of the time. So today I went and got one of those huge plastic stackable drawer thingys, and it fits perfectly at the bottom of one of my closets. Most of said yarn is now in it. Believe it or not, I have some more that may not fit. But at least I got it all out of the big garbage bag it was in for 6 months. I feel better now.

I also bought one of those hanging canvas shelf thingys for my clothes closet. Why didn’t anyone tell me how great these were? i’m much better at folding things than I am at hanging them - now I can just fold up pants and tops and stack them in the shelves. How brilliant. I want some more.

Tonight I’m going with Joe to see Seabicuit, so I’d better get a move on.

Picking up the needles

Posted by jackie blue on July 29th, 2003

My friend Shirley came over last night and we plopped in front of the TV with our knitting. Now only 11 squares to go. You know what today is, Slow Tuesday, so I plan on getting some more done. It’s a great TV night, with a rerun AND a new episode of one of my favorite new shows, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. If you have cable and haven’t seen this, you should. It’s an hour of catty fun as five gay men show a straight man how to dress, decorate, cook, and generally take better care of himself. It’s a scream, and these guys always look 1000 times better at the end.

Knitting? What’s that?

Posted by jackie blue on July 28th, 2003

First of all, a very Happy Birthday to my mother, who is celebrating today by working in this stifling office with me.

Weekend was really good. I had a nice dinner with a friend. I saw the Pernice Brothers in concert with 2 good opening acts, had a BBQ at my brother’s in which the boyfriend was introduced to that part of the family, and did some beaching and some lazying around at home. No knitting.

I just came from lunch with my mother at Monte’s, a Brooklyn restaurant established in 1906. I am so stuffed I can barely move. Not to mention, we had a cake for her BEFORE lunch. I am going to roll home tonight.

Getting There

Posted by jackie blue on July 23rd, 2003

Last night I finished sewing together the 24 squares I have done already.


It definitely needs 12 more. It’s too rectangular. But at least I have much of the sewing out of the way. Ty seems to like it.

Since I’m waiting for client feedback on some work and I’m not feeling great enough to go work out, I think I will knit some this afternoon before heading out to birthday drinks this evening (no, not mine, not yet!)