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Archive for April, 2005

A Harlot Visits NY

Posted by jackie blue on April 28th, 2005

A bunch, and I do mean a BUNCH of us will be visiting Lord & Taylor (no, I do not get that venue at all…) this evening for the Yarn Harlot’s reading from her new book. If you see a big ole crowd of Drafty Ladies and F Train Girls, come over and say hi.

Meanwhile, I had a little seaming party here last night. And if the clients keep off me for awhile today, I may have a new mohair wrap to wear this evening. But more likely, you’ll see me sitting and knittng the long ties instead, because I really doubt I have the steam to finish them this afternoon. We shall see.

Sockapalooza News!!

Posted by jackie blue on April 21st, 2005

OK, so y’all saw my posts on the socks that I made and sent off. But you might have wondered why I never posted about receiving my socks in the exchange. Well, they had gone lost, you see.

My most AMAZING sock pal, Polly, had made a stunning pair of socks for me, sent them off, and they were never to be seen again. But wonderful person that she is, she knit me a WHOLE NEW PAIR. And this time they arrived safe and sound, and looking gorgeous.


pollysocks.jpgLet me tell ya, those biscuits are yummy too, and look, a big honkin’ skein of more sock yarn! She’s the best. And Polly seemed really worried about the fit of the socks. Fear not, they are great. You rock, friend.

Third Blogiversary

Posted by jackie blue on April 20th, 2005

Have a piece of cake.

Spring Fever

Posted by jackie blue on April 18th, 2005

The weather has been just glorious the last few days. Sunny, mid 70s, dry, breezy, perfect Spring. Hardly the type of weather that inspires KNITTNG. And yet, there was knitting to be had, baby. Oh, there was.

After a lovely brunch on Saturday, my friend Shirley and I sat on a bench with our knitting and my dog for much of the afternoon. I added a square to the baby blanket pile that day.

Sunday was even more spectacular. I started it off with a 3 mile walk with Valentina (would have been 6+ had my dog not decided NO MORE about halfway through) - followed by the *best* afternoon of knitting and mimosas on Cassie’s fabulous roof deck (thanks again Cassie, I’ll be moving in soon) and then, V and I took a nice looooong walk again to meet my friend Thea for a very extended dinner. (That is a story all on it’s own, thank goodness the wine flowed freely all evening) and I have to say, it was one of the best weekends I’d had in a while. Lots of knitting, good girlfriends, wine, sunshine, and no work to do. What more can you ask?

I know I promised pics soon. I’m up to the sleeves on the eyelet wrap, so shouldn’t be too long now!