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Archive for June, 2005

Vegetarians - avert your eyes

Posted by jackie blue on June 30th, 2005

I have no knitting content today. I am still finishing up arm bands and a neck band for the Phil Lin tank. I haven’t worked on anything else in days. I figure I’ll let you know what else I do with my time.

Yesterday, I bought a sixteenth of a cow. I tell ya, you haven’t lived till you’re in a Brooklyn Heights studio surrounded by 1200 lbs. of frozen steaks. 20 or so people crowded around these 3 sides of beef and divided up cuts. It’s all hormone and antibiotic free. My share must weigh about 40 lbs. or so. At the same time, steaks were cooking in the broiler, cut up into little pieces, and passed around like hors d’oeuvres. Insanity. Heaven.

Yes, I know my freezer needs defrosting AGAIN. It’s not frost free, dammit, and it’s a huge pain. I also have no idea how my ice cream maker canister is going to fit back in there, and as we all know, you must have the ability to make ice cream at any given moment.

So that’s what I do when I’m not knitting. Anyone got a grill?

10 things that make a weekend rock

Posted by jackie blue on June 26th, 2005

1. Knitting with my girls, including a special guest.
2. Seeing Broadway shows like The Glass Menagerie with no need for travel or special occasions.
3. The Mermaid Parade out in Coney Island.

Alison and Em in Coney Island

4. A birthday party with delicious food for a cool friend’s cool husband.
5. A dog that seems to be feeling much better.
6. Strained yogurt with fresh figs and honey for breakfast every day.
7. The Renegade Crafts Fair with rockin’ friends.
anklet.jpg8. A pretty bracelet bought at the fair that was too big for my wrist, but makes an awesome ankle bracelet
9. A finished Phil Lin front.
10. Knowing that I have many more good times ahead, because I have such great people around me.

Dogs & Knitting

Posted by jackie blue on June 21st, 2005

Well, Ty is still walking slowly and favoring his foot a bit - I think it will be a few days before he’s feeling better, but he’s eating well, begging for food still, and playing with his ball a bit, so I think whatever’s ailing him is definitely a sore leg and not anything gastric. I’m hoping he shows more improvement every day. I’m just baffled about what could have happened to him when I was out.
So here’s where the knitting stands so far. The back of the Phil Lin sleeveless sweater.
Thrilling, isn’t it? I’m much more excited about the front, which at least has some visual interest.
There will still be bands around the armholes and the neck, so I have a way to go with this - but I think it will be a very flattering, and cool and comfortable summer sweater. I’m going to try and finish in the next week or so.

I had knitting to show today.

Posted by jackie blue on June 20th, 2005

I swear I did. It’s not the green reliefs tank, but I am making great progress on my Phil Lin sweater. I knit this weekend with the girls at the Point and at Cassie’s, and I finished the back, and made good headway on the front. I was going to photograph it last night.
But then I came home to ill dog. At first I thought it was some kind of intestinal thing because he’d thrown up while I was gone yesterday, and though that happens once in a while and he’s always fine right after, yesterday he wasn’t fine. He was lethargic and walking VERY slow on his walks out. I figured I’d see how he was today, and he seemed better this morning, but still walking weird, when it became clear that there also something going on with his foot. He might have stepped in something splintery, I don’t know.
An expensive trip to the doggie emergency room this morning (thank god they are on my block in case it’s ever something really serious) resulted in just some solution to soak his foot and instuctions to keep him on restricted exercise for a week and watch him for more weird behavior. He’s eating fine, though. So it’s probably not an intestinal thing.
My poor poo. He’s with me at work today. Knitting posts will have to wait a little bit.