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Archive for the 'Personal Stuff' Category

What I learned today

Posted by jackie blue on September 21st, 2007

I learned that you never forget how to ride a bike. I haven’t been on one in oh, say 6-7 years, and I jumped on and flew as if it were yesterday. The bike feels great, nothing like what I expected from a folder (flimsy, wobbly, etc.).


We took a little jaunt in Central Park, she and I. Forgive the crappy iPhone photo. It was fun except:

1. I probably shouldn’t have taken my first ride in many years in 80+ degrees, in a park with hills. Big hills. Ay yi yi.

2. Carrying her in this heat on the subway wasn’t particularly fun. She’s only maybe 2 or 3 lbs. heavier than Ty, but she’s bulky. And I’m old. (I didn’t want my very first ride to be in midtown weekday traffic).

3. I hate wearing a helmet. Really. It’s my first time ever wearing one, and man, did it make me sweat. Look how grumpy I am.


I have a long way to go before I work up to riding in this, but I have until May. And I’m determined to do it.

Now, please bring on Fall. I need a shower.

Happy Birthday to me

Posted by jackie blue on August 20th, 2007

And 5th Anniversary for me and Ty. His honorary birthday since who knows when he was really born? He’s really shy about his age, won’t tell me.


(we both wish these treats were real)

In which Jackie has had a week…one of those lists

Posted by jackie blue on July 27th, 2007

Friday, July 20 - Go to Harry Potter party. See Owls. See friend that works for B&N. Wait at midnight for Harry Potter with dog (different store, far less crowds).

Saturday, July 21-Sunday, July 22 - Lie on beach. Swim. Read Harry Potter. Check out new restaurant in mom’s neighborhood.

Monday, July 23 - Get drenched with dog in tremendous downpour. Sit at work wet all day. Be cranky.

Tuesday, July 24 - Work again. Worked some at second Jaywalker sock, which is coming out better on size 2 needles. Not striping as well, but it will fit.

Wednesday, July 25 - Reunion night. Last week got email out of the blue from best friend from my 20s. We had several falling outs but I can’t remember why. We stopped being friends about 16 years ago. We ran into each once or twice - last time was close to 9-10 years ago. You remember this photo of this sweater? That’s her with me, in 1985 or 86 I think.

Drink a lot, eat dinner, rehash old times, have a blast. Friends again.

Thursday, July 26 - Another reunion. Old friend Michelle in town visiting. We haven’t seen each other in maybe 7 years? She owns a yarn store in London now! How cool is that? We shopped all afternoon. This is Michelle.

Friday, July 27 - Forget knitting, it’s back to home improvement. I have a lot of paint samples left over from kitchen. This ugly counter is going.


Still in progress - a way to go. I’m thinking of calling this “Project Lagoon”.


Where does the time go?

Posted by jackie blue on April 16th, 2007

It’s been ages, eh? And I have precious little to show you at this point. Yesterday I finished quilting the baby quilt, but there’s still binding to deal with, so I haven’t taken any photos yet. Knitting is at an all time low and I am still on the left front of the green Ribby. I did cut some other fabric to make a skirt, but cutting is as far as I’ve gotten. Geez, what HAVE I been doing? Let’s see…

Socializing quite a bit. Since Valentina’s been in town, and my friend Ayelet just came for the weekend, and there have been various birthdays scattered about, I’ve been seeing friends more than usual. I unfortunately missed yesterday’s gathering due to the most torrential rain my lifetime has ever seen, and a dog that just wouldn’t go out in it so needed to be taken out for his evening walk a lot earlier than usual.

Activities - like baseball games, Loser’s Lounge, marathon TV watching of Dr. Who with a friend, shopping and lunches, dinner with Ayelet’s family, who has time to knit or sew?

Now that work is back on a regular schedule, various friends are going home (sob) I’m sure I’ll get back on track with the craftiness and bloginess.